Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Recipe Reading Comprehension

We were learning about recipes and have a memory about it and try not to go back but it was so hard for me.I really enjoyed to go back and look what i have done and scrolled down. Next time i need to understand more about it.

Zoe's Collage Character


We were learning about to try make an Extinct animal out of shapes I found it easy to make my animal out of shapes. Next time I need to stop talking to my friends and get it done.   



We were learning about to spot the clues in a photo. Next time I need to work more quick and get ideas down. I found it easy to just have a think what I was typing down.

If I were a tree during the fall season..


We were learning about to write how we felt if we were a tree. Next time I need to work on to read my sentence before I go check  with the teacher. I found it easy to just type it all down and get on with my learning.